Selecting the Right Refractory Contractor
Installing refractories is a fully customizable solution and rarely has the same solution. The numerous external and internal factors continuously change and affect what is the best solution. Refractory installation can also be affected by changes in refractory materials/formulas and changes in technology. Selecting the right refractory installation contractor can ensure you receive the best service to complete your installation on time with decreased unexpected future downtime.
Key Factors for selecting Refractory Contractor:

- Experience/Expertise
- Service & Support
- Timeline
- Total Cost
Selecting Refractory Contractor Based on Experience & Expertise
The refractory installation contracting industry is very established and has the major players however there are new contractors entering the industry every year. Newcomers come from other similar industries not aware of all of the nuances within the industry or without properly investing in the appropriate equipment. Refractories are in constant need of attention and maintenance and newcomers can’t provide the longevity you might need.
Don’t get confused experience and expertise are not the same things. Make sure your installation contractor has the expertise necessary. Selecting the right refractory product for your application depends on a lot of variables.
- Environmental conditions
- Site condition and procedures
- Installer expertise
- Product material and quality
Selecting Refractory Contractor Based on Service & Support
What type of service and support is provided? Do the service and support go above and beyond expectations? Are your contractors going to support you after the installation is complete? Determine whether or not they have the right type of support and are able to provide the level of service/support you need. Gauge their technical and engineering support and if they can provide you the schematics and descriptions you need to make an informed decision. Does your contractor have a successful track record? The best practice is to contact previous customers for references.
Selecting Refractory Contractor Based on Projected Timeline
Make sure your refractory installation contractor has an acceptable timeline for completion. However, do your due diligence to ensure no corners are cut and the refractory is properly installed. Starting up production on time is extremely important but is not worth unscheduled downtime for replacing refractories or maintenance.
Selecting Refractory Contractor Based on Total Cost
The initial cost is easy to calculate. How much did you invest in the contractor (time/supplies/installation) plus the amount lost in production (downtime?) There is an acceptable amount and some managers will sacrifice quality installation to start production up as quickly as possible. The best gauge of “Total Cost” would be to evaluate the initial cost and the continued cost over the lifespan of the refractory until the next installation. Calculating this information takes time. If you're unable to appropriately evaluate the cost over time, references of the contractor can help gauge their long-term success of the installation.
If you are unsure of how to evaluate who is the best refractory installation contractor or what exactly is the best installation method, contact Resco Products and our experts can recommend highly qualified installers.